Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bossa furoshiki

Per fi he acabat un regal de cumpleanys atrassat que volia fer per la meva amiga Marta. He fet un bolso triangular a l'estil japonés.

Fa temps en una classe, una alumna va fer una presentació molt interessant sobre els bolsos furoshiki del Japó. És una cosa semblant a l'origami però fent servir tela en comptes de paper. És molt interessant veure tot el rendiment que es pot treure d'un tros de tela! Si voleu idees sobre diferents usos del furoshiki, mireu aquest póster.

Al blog Lola Nova on expliquen com fer aquests bolsos: origami market bag.

Aquest bolso és molt senzill i ràpid de fer. És un projecte ideal per persones que s'inicien en la costura. És una versió japonesa de la clàssica tote.

Aquí està el resultat del meu bolso. No té forro interior, potser si el torno a fer, li posaré forro interior per fer un bolso més resistent.

Bossa Furoshiki / Furoshiki bag

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas projects

Phew! It's been a long time since I last wrote! I'll try to update the blog more often as a New Year's resolution. I've been pretty busy this Christmas knitting away and I'd like to share some of the results:

I started off by making these fingerless mittens . They were really fun to make. There's some simple cable and a lovely wool bundle on the top. I got the pattern from Ravelry. It's called Wristful Thinking.

This is a great project for people who want to start with cables and are looking for an easy project. I used Katia Oxford.

I'm really happy with the results, they ar really warm and handy as your fingers are still free.

Another project I completed during the Christmas holiday was this shawlette:

This is the first shawl I have knitted and I followed a very easy pattern. It's basically stocking stitch with some nice eyelets which make it look lacy and nice. I love the yarn and how it changes color in a subtle way. I used Katia Darling.

Right now I'm working on a pinkish purple neck warmer. Hope I can finish it before school starts! :-)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Arm warmers

I have finally finished the arm warmers I was knitting!! Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be using them till next year, so I'll have to wait a little...

Here they are:

They are really easy to make. You only need to know how to stitch and purl. And there are also some YO to create the eyelits.

I got this pattern from a really cool book I reccommend to anyone who wants to take up knitting. It's a book for absolute beginners, it's full of pictures and fun techniques to help you understand and remember basic concepts. The book is called Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner and I got it as Christmas present. I'ved thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Taller Jacquard - Tapestry crochet workshop

Ahir vaig anar a un taller de jacquard amb ganxet (tapestry crochet) impartit per Leire (Ameskeria) i organitzat per Duduà. Feia mesos que no tocava el ganxet perquè ara estic amb la febre de la mitja, això es va notar al principi, quan no me'n recordava ben bé de com es feia el cercle màgic. Per sort, fer ganxet és com anar amb bicicleta i em vaig anar 'desrovellant'.

Vam aprendre una tècnica per fer jacquard amb circular. Va ser un taller molt interessant ja que no només vaig aprendre una tècnica nova, sinó també vaig entendre millor el ganxet. El fantàstics sucs del bar Cosmo de pastanaga, taronja i poma ens van donar forces per teixir durant tres hores. Per fer jacquard, has de jugar amb les bastes que tens al ganxet i anar preparant el canvi de color un punt per endavant. Quan va acabar el curset no vaig tenir temps d'acabar la bossa del tot i li vaig donar les últimes puntades ahir al vespre.

Aquí està el resultat:

S'ha de dir que al principi em va costar una mica entendre la mecànica del jacquard i sembla que per dominar-ho em caldrà fer més pràctica. El jacquard també dóna moltes possibilitats per les persones que els agradi provar patrons i cenefes noves. Només cal tenir un paper cuadriculat i llapissos de colors i jugar una mica!

Ja estic pensant en el meu proper projecte: m'agradaria fer-me uns mitons amb alguna cenefa dissenyada per mi. A veure què tal!

 Gracias por el taller, Leire!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mug cozy

It's cold outside and I'm in a lazy mood this Sunday afternoon so I decided to crochet a mug cozy for my favorite mug. After looking at lots of interesting patterns on Ravelry, I decided to use Marion's. It looks soo cute! :-)

Another cawl

I have to find a gift for my 'invisible friend' so I thought that instead of buying something, it would be nicer if I made something myself. I came across a very easy crocheted cawl on Ravelry and decided to give it a try. Here are the results:
If anyone is interested in this pattern, you'll find it here I'm very happy with the results. I used two skeins of Katia Degradé and made a foundation chain of 60 because I used a 9 size hook.

Crochet mittens

This is a Christmas present for my sister who is living in Ireland now. The quality of the photo is not too good. I crocheted some mittens with purple Merino wool. I hope they keep her warm!